My sister Ruth and her fiancé Matt will be taking part in the Rottnest swim Saturday, February 25th. This is an annual event and a lot of people take part, entry is via a ballot and therefore I was surprised Ruth and Matt at their first attempt, were granted entry. It certainly is a big challenge and they will be swimming together to get to Rottnest in 7 hours. They are raising money for The Australia Lung Foundation, please support them in this cause.
How to prepare for Rottnest
Swim lots. Ruth has never taken part in a swimming competition before. Like me, we have not been swimming often as we were not a fan of swimming indoors and living in the UK, there were not many outdoor pools. Ruth and Matt are training every day except Sunday.
Get a support boat
A support boat is needed so that swimmers can get out of the water, have a rest, switch over and start swimming. Ruth and Matt had a support boat but unfortunately, the owner pulled out 8 weeks before the swim. A real disappointment and they feared they would have to pull out. They cannot afford to pay someone to skipper the support boat, only fuel and drinks. Luckily, their friend Mikey has a support boat and will skipper it and today they are training with it. There is room for 7 people in total on board the boat, the skipper, the 2 swimmers, 2 paddlers and 2 support crew, those helping the swimmers.
Book accommodation on Rottnest
Before the ballot was drawn, all the accommodation on Rottnest had already been booked. Therefore if you want to take part in the swim, book it in September and you will stand a better chance of having a place to stay. We will be staying on a catamaran which will be taking us back as well. Being on the cat, we will be able to explore the coves around the island.
Bring your friends along
Taking part in the Rottenest swim requires a lot of dedication. Therefore it is important to get your friends involved. Ruth and Matt are part of the Cottesloe Surf Life Saving Club (CSLSC) and Cottesloe beach is where the race will begin. There will be lots of their friends who are also part for CSLSC who will be doing water safety on the day and who will then take the ferry over to Rottnest to welcome them as they reach the finish line.
I will be writing a follow up post with photos of the day. Good Luck Matt and Ruth !!