I mentioned in one of my previous posts about accommodation in Berlin, that I do not normally dedicate a whole post to just one hostel/hotel, but I was really pleased with the New Ostel which I stayed in for 4 nights.
Here are a few reasons whyI would recommend staying at New Ostel in Florence, Italy:
1) Close the train station
The hostel was only about 5 minutes walk from the main train station which was very handy especially as my bag weighed a lot and it was very hot weather – Florence was having a heat wave – lucky me!
2) Relatively good internet connection
In the main reception and lounge area the WiFi was the best. Sometimes I could get it in my room, but it did drop. Everyone seemed to pile into the lounge area at night to hook up to the WiFi which was a good way to meet people (even though we were all on our computers and iPads).
3) Friendly Staff
The place is run by Anna and another gentleman who were very helpful, answering any questions I had about Florence and the tours. I was able to book my tours through them which was great as I do not speak Italian (although Spanish seems to work well in Italy).
4) 24 Hour Reception
There was a 24 hour reception which was very handy should anything go wrong at the hostel. Nothing did, but it was nice to know there was someone there.
5) Private Kitchen
I was staying in the hostel across the road and in my building we had our own private kitchen and outside seating area which was great for those who want to make their own dinners. I made a couple of dinners here as well. It was a bit like having your own apartment as there were 5 rooms in the building and 2 toilets (but just one shower).
6) Use of Washing Machine
By the time I arrived in Florence, I really had to do some washing. I was able to use the nice LG washing machine at the hostel and then put my clothes out to dry on the balcony which I collected after my tour of Florence. It cost 5 euros which was very reasonable. I don’t like other people doing my laundry and the machine only took 30 minutes.
Where have you stayed when you were in Florence? Let me know of any great accommodation you have rented while you were there.